Giving Back: 5% For Vets Fund 2015 Recipient

Giving Back: 5% For Vets Fund 2015 Recipient

Posted by Philip Kauppinen on 24th Feb 2016

Giving Back to the 5% For Vets Fund 2015 Recipient

Feed Our Vets-Watertown Food Pantry

The Feed Our Vets Watertown Food Pantry serves on average 70-100 families every month. Tonia Russell, pictured with me, is the pantry director. She does an amazing job securing food donations, monetary donations and coordinates all the wonderful volunteers. 

Please consider making a donation to help feed our Veterans. You can do so on their website by clicking HERE.

It was an honor to volunteer at the monthly pantry over the past year and it warmed my heart to be able to donate 450 pounds of food through my 5% for Vets Fund.

Please take a minute to watch the short video documenting my day of giving back. 

Philip Kauppinen & Tonia Russell